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This short video is about Byron and the first annual TRI-N event that  started in 2012.




Our mission is to motivate people to do something physically challanging in honor of someone else who cannot.

Participants will run/walk, swim, and/or bike 30 miles in 30 days in honor of someone who can't due to physical limitations. 

Our purpose is to raise peoples awareness of others around them who are physically challanged, to create a greater sense of gratitude for their own working bodies, to motivate people to keep their bodies healthy and fit, and to raise money to donate to one of our heroes with physical disablilites. 


How it Works

Anyone who wants to can sign up for only $10 to run/walk, bike, or swim 30 miles in 30 days. Your $10 will get you a T-shirt, mile-tracker card, wristband, and will enter your hero into a prize drawing at the end of the 30 days. You will also be able to participate in the 5K on August 15th at the Carmus Jamboree in Idaho Falls. Your hero will be nominated to be honored at this 5K. Before the 5K, our board will randomly choose 3 of our nominated heroes who will be honored and donated $1000 each. There will also be another drawing for prizes that will be given to some of our other heroes. Living with disablilties can be expensive. Our hope is that we can help make one of our heroe's burdens a little bit lighter by raising money to help pay for something that might make their lives a little easier. Maybe it could help pay for a needed surgery, perscriptions, medical equiptment, doctor's visits, hospital bills, or anything else that they might need or could benefit from.  We will start July 16th and end on August 15th at the 5K. Sign up NOW by clicking the "Join Us" button below! 

TRI-N was inspired by an increadible man named Byron Ball, who was in a tragic car accident when he was 10 years old. This accident left Byron bound to a wheelchair and partially paralyzed for 30 years now. This is where we were inspired to get the 30 miles of running/walking, biking, or swimming. When this event first started in 2012, it consisted of Byron's friends and family members and was called, "TRI-N for Byron".


There are so many people in the world that, like Byron, can’t do the fun activities that so many of us take for granted.  Whether it be running, swimming, biking, dancing, playing sports, walking, or even just being able to get up and go to the bathroom by yourself; we forget how blessed we are to be able to do all these things.

I wonder how those, like Byron, who don’t have working legs or arms, or who are bound to a wheel chair, or who have a terminal illness or disease, or who’s bodies just don’t work like they should; I wonder how they might feel when they hear us complaining about being bored or too tired or too busy or just too lazy to get out and use our strong and healthy bodies.


Lets all stop making up excuses and get out and TRI to do something hard in honor of someone else who cannot. Why? BECAUSE YOU CAN!

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